The ins and outs of acupuncture for weight loss and a rested, energetic you!!!

Acupuncture is thought to stimulate the body’s energy flow improving several factors known to contribute to weight gain:

Suppress appetite, managing hormone imbalance, increasing metabolism, and lower stress.

Acupunctures manipulate the levels of hormones associated with appetite (leptin and ghrelin) in your body, which suppresses appetite and curbs overeating tendencies.  It can improve the efficiency of your digestive system and improve your nutrient intake, relieves constipation and other digestive issues that lead to weight gain.  Using specific acupuncture points can stimulate the kidneys and endocrine system, which stops water retention therefore helping you drop weight. 

Metabolism can be slowed down due to inflammation in the gut; acupuncture relieves inflammation making for a faster digestive process, in turn leading to weight loss.

An imbalance in your hormonal production effects many body functions including digestion. Acupuncture of the spleen aids in balancing your hormones, facilitating weight loss. And stimulating the thyroid region boosts the functionality of your pituitary gland, vital for effective metabolism.  This increases the rate at which your body burns fat.

It has been suggested that some people overeat when stressed or anxious. Acupuncture helps reduce stress by releasing of the feel-good hormone (endorphin) this keeps you calmer and stops you reaching for comfort food.

Acupuncture can aid permanent weight loss unlike other fad unhealthy weight management methods and dieting, which can lead to nutrient deficiencies.

Patients have reported a steady loss of around 2-3lbs a week over a 12 week period.

There are other positives that come from using acupuncture for weight loss, it can lead to better sleep and boost your energy making you more inclined to work out!

On Key

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