Now Trending – Cupping Therapy!

If you watched any of the Olympics, especially swimming this year or in 2016 you couldn’t help but notice the circular marks on the backs and shoulders of Kyle Chalmers and Michael Phelps.

These marks are caused by cupping therapy. Believed to have roots in Middle Eastern and Asian cultures it is a safe, traditional drug free method that helps increase blood circulation, drawing stagnant blood  away from an injured area leading to faster recover.

Warm cups are placed on the skin at areas of injury, pain or soreness, as the air in the cup cools it creates a vacuum effect. The marks indicate that the stagnation has moved from the deeper tissue layer to the surface.

Benefits include:

  • relieving muscle tension and encouraging cell repair
  • reducing the appearance of cellulite
  • flushing toxins from the body
  • relaxation and reduced anxiety

Ask about cupping next time you are at the office!

On Key

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